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Personal, social, health and economic education has always been considered an essential part of learning at Claygate Primary School.  Discrete lessons and those with planned links to other subjects run alongside incidental lessons which may be triggered due to current affairs or events within the class or wider school community ensure the strong delivery of this curriculum. We aim to prepare children for life, helping them really know and value who they truly are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.

In line with new guidance from the Department of Education on Health Education and Relationships, we have revisited our whole school approach basing the majority of our learning on Jigsaw. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy and nurturing mental health as the necessary underpinnings for learning, Jigsaw incorporates a whole-school, mindful approach and perfectly connects the pieces of Personal, Social and Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development into a programme which is embedded throughout the school.  

We want all our children to grow up healthy, happy, safe, and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain. These subjects are designed to equip your child with knowledge to make informed decisions about their well being, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life. 

Further to the statutory guidance, you may find the leaflet below helpful.  A hard copy is also available from the office.

Talking to your child about sexual harassment.  This leaflet gives some good pointers on how and when to start those conversations. 

RSE – The Right to Withdraw 

In certain circumstances, Parents and Carers do have the right to withdraw their children from RSE (Relationships and Sex Education). 

In Primary School, Parents and Carers have the right to withdraw their child from Sex Education but not from statutory Relationships Education or Health Education (RSE). Following discussion with the school, parents can withdraw their child from the ‘sex’ elements of Sex and Relationships Education.   

Parents do not have a right to withdraw their child from Health Education, Relationships or any other aspect of PSHE education. 

There is no right of withdrawal from National Curriculum Science which includes elements of sex education such as puberty and reproduction. 

If a Parent/Carer wishes to withdraw their child, they need to direct their request to the Head Teacher



After watching England play in the Euro 2020 Championships, our children were inspired by the courage and determination demonstrated by the team. The children wanted to show their support for the players and decided to send them a heartfelt message