In this section you will find details of key curriculum objectives for each year group and useful documents to assist you in supporting your child at home.
Mathematics is an integral aspect of everyday life and at CPS we ensure children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them, providing a foundation for their understanding of the world. Through a mastery curriculum, all children will develop: skills in mental calculation, problem-solving strategies and articulate their reasoning through the appropriate use of stem sentences and mathematical vocabulary in context. Children at CPS will develop an enjoyment and curiosity of the subject together with a resilience and independence to seek their own challenge.
Our mastery curriculum is an ambitious, connected curriculum, which is accessible to all pupils. Children are taught a concept in depth over a prolonged unit, moving through small progressive steps to develop a deep, lasting competence and understanding. We want pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, to be able to reason and to solve problems. Our curriculum embraces these National Curriculum aims.
At CPS we use a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to support children to understand the maths they are learning and to be able to use it in a real-life context. The “small step” approach means all curriculum objectives are broken down into accessible parts that build on each other so the learning journey is complete.
At CPS, maths lessons begin with feedback intervention time ( Maths FIT). Next, children complete fluency tasks via Flashback 4. New learning is completed in mixed ability pairs, with a focus on oracy so that children are able to reason using precise mathematical vocabulary. At the end of the lesson, children review and self assess their learning against a traffic light system. This self reflection process feeds into the next Maths FIT session.
Daily arithmetic for children forms part of our early morning work offer. Children from Year 1 complete Fluent in 5 activities every morning. This work supports our vision for maths at CPS.