Year 6
The Year 6 Team
Hawthorn Cedar

Hawthorn Class

Welcome to Year 6
As children move into their final year of primary school, we have an exciting and challenging year ahead of us. Our first term will be packed with interesting and thought-provoking topics, centred around the theme ‘This Is Me!’. We will continue with a rich and broad curriculum, engaging in topics including ‘WW2’ and ‘Staying Alive’: our Topic Webs will be released termly for more information.
In Year 6 we celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenge and are not afraid to make mistakes. This is delivered through participation in sports, drama and our end of year residential trip. By the end of this year we hope to master key skills including time management, personal organisation, independence in our learning and an enhanced growth mind-set.
All of the team will be working hard to prepare the children for the SATs tests in May and making sure they are ready for the next stage in their journey.
We look forward to working with you and your children in delivering a successful and memorable last year at Claygate Primary School.